Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Meet Your Trainers-Steve

I grew up on a dairy farm in Mauston, WI. As far back as I can remember, I have spent as much time as possible playing sports, hunting, fishing and just being outdoors. Playing inside, watching TV or movies just never interested me. To this day, I can't stay awake through an entire movie. 
I have always loved fitness, and have been training on a regular basis since grade school. As a child, I remember doing bicep curls with milk jugs filled with water and pullups on the monkey bars. I couldn't wait to start high school, mainly because they had a weight room. After high school, I decided to join the Army National Guard, to help pay for college. I then studied pre-med and business, while wrestling and playing football at the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse. 
Over the years, I have always trained and ate the way I was taught to be the smartest and healthiest. Sadly, so much of what I was taught, and so much of what is still taught today, is completely wrong. My sports career was cut short due to injuries that required three knee surgeries. I believe 100% that my injuries were because I was training the wrong way. 
I then went to Palmer Chiropractic College for my doctorate degree. I spent 3 ½ years traveling the country, playing rugby injury free! It was at Palmer that I learned the value of "functional training." I furthered my education, becoming a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and a State Certified Nutrition Counselor. After 9 years of college and a lifetime of looking for the answers to maximizing health, I have found them. 
I still remember people telling me in my 20's, “wait until you hit 30, you won't feel the same.” They were right, I feel so much better in my 30's then I ever have before, because I am now living the right way. It has become my life mission to lead by example and teach people how they can reach and maintain their maximum health potential. 
I decided to open Eupraxia with that mission in mind. I will teach every person the best way to train for functional health. I will teach you the way humans are genetically designed to eat, through not only common sense, but the best science on the planet. I will ALWAYS practice what I preach and will continue to live the way I teach. I will never sell or promote any product or program unless it is something I would do myself. I will never close my mind or stop learning. I consider every person at Eupraxia a part of a family who is there to encourage and push each other to reach their goals. Thank you for being a part of our family!

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