Friday, December 27, 2013

Success Story - from Alyssa

When Lindsay suggested I write a testimonial I wasn’t sure where to even start…after I had my son in 2006 & dealt with medical restrictions & the weight started to creep on.  I yo-yoed for years – anywhere from 160# to 314# (insert grimace here).  Eventually I stopped trying.  I blamed “bad” genetics for being pre-diabetic & facing a lifetime of thyroid medication.  I dreaded shopping & the camera was my worst enemy.

Then in July 2012 several things happened all at once & I finally had it – I was done with this yo-yoing. My friend Michelle & I joined another gym in September & started with the typical plan: count calories, weigh yourself, work hard.  I ran, did Zumba, lifted – 3 or 4 nights a week I was in the gym & then running on the weekends on the treadmill at home.  I wanted to see success & I did. I dropped from 289# to 244.3# between September 2012 & June 2013.  Then I stopped seeing the results I had become accustom to.  It was stressful counting calories – the gym wasn’t a fun place to go & I started to slip back into old habits.

Enter Lindsay…we used to work together & stayed connected on Facebook.  I saw her posts about Eupraxia & the transformation she was going through as she went on her own journey.  I don’t know how long she followed my posts before she sent me her first message about Eupraxia & I can’t tell you how long I waited to responded, but it was the best decision I EVER made.  I convinced Michelle to come with me in August 2013.  Lindsay greeted us at the door, grabbed us weights & set us up next to her for that first workout.  Dr. Steve gave a nutritional seminar that night giving me new insight & I signed on the dotted line before leaving (Michelle too!).

Let me start by saying this is NOT your typical gym – which I love.  There are no walls of equipment & people on their own.  From the minute you walk through those doors, you walk into a community of people looking to better themselves & support you as you better yourself.  Every night is a new challenging workout lead by a trainer or two & you are in & out in minutes (okay, 20-40).  It’s tough, especially those first few weeks as you start to make the changes to your diet (& navigate stairs!).  I had asked Lindsay once if we could stay for multiple workouts – I had it in my head that you just couldn’t get much done in 20-40 minutes – I was wrong!  These workouts are designed to maximize your time & your workout.  Lindsay, Kevin, Steve, Phil & the rest of the staff push you to the very edge of your limits & to go even further than you thought you could.  They don’t let you slack – they keep the encouragement flowing when you need it most & cheer you on as you push through those last reps.

After my first 8 weeks, I didn’t see the scale move as much as I would have liked.  I’ll admit I was discouraged because for SO long I had focused on that number & if it wasn’t moving it meant I wasn't doing something right.  Lindsay swatted me with the measuring tape (all in good fun!) & reminded me it’s NOT all about the number on the scale – it’s about feeling good, eating good nutritional foods, & making life long changes.  That is what Eupraxia is about & what they have taught me.  (I'm sure Lindsay would take a hammer to the scale if she could.)  I lost a few pounds of fat, gained pounds of muscle, but boy oh boy did I lose inches in those first 8 weeks – I felt great – my clothes fit better & I was a happy camper.  I sat down with Lindsay shortly after my first 8 weeks & just talked with her (something you don’t get a lot of places).  Together we made up new goals for me to pursue & I headed into the next 8 weeks knowing she had my back & that ALL of the staff here care.  You’re not just another paying member – you are a person with a name & goals & they want to see you achieve every last one of them!

Being a part of Eupraxia has helped me in more ways than I could ever imagine.  I make every attempt to schedule work around getting to the gym because I feel so great walking in & crawling out those doors!  People ask if I like it, is it worth the money & how do I keep on track...& honestly, I’m not perfect. I have my cheat days.  But the changes I have seen in myself in just these short 16 weeks (& the thought of how many burpees are needed to burn off that small fry), helps me push through my bad days & hit the gym.  So anyone reading this who is on the fence about joining…I urge you not to hesitate another moment, it will be the best decision you will ever's worth every penny...and Lindsay, Steve & the rest of the staff are waiting to help you be the best version of you!

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