Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Meet your Trainers: Amber Oldenburg


My name is Amber.  I grew up in West Salem on a dairy farm and did gymnastics from the time I was a toddler through high school. I attended college in La Crosse and graduated with my bachelor’s in nursing from UW-Madison in 2010. During college I coached team gymnastics at the La Crosse YMCA. I have since worked at Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center and in Fall 2013 I started an online master’s in nursing program.

Practicing gymnastics year round kept me in shape through high school. As I entered college, however, the amount of exercise I was partaking in greatly decreased and my muscular body embarrassingly turned to mush; I made attempts to exercise, often running, but I lost interest and my efforts would only last a few months before going months without. Frequently eating chicken wings, pasta, and subs did not help either. Looking back, I definitely did not understand how bad the food choices I was making were for my body.

I began training at Eupraxia when it opened in January 2012. Learning the innate diet and lifestyle was so eye-opening for me, and it made so much sense. I began eating clean and working out hard – and I began to see that old physique again! Shortly after I began leading classes (the coach in me wanting to come out again :) ). After 2 years, I am still excited to go to train every day – I credit this to the deliberately changing and challenging workouts and the fabulous members who come to train with us. Having the opportunity to support and motivate others to achieve their goals, while becoming happier and healthier, keeps me inspired.

Thank you Eupraxia Members and Happy New Year! Let’s make 2014 the best yet!!

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