Thursday, March 20, 2014

Meet Your Trainers: Lindsay Bonnar

Hometown:  Newcastle, Wyoming

Trainer/Manager at Eupraxia :-)

What is your favorite hobby:
I am kind of a bookworm! 

Tell us an interesting fact about you: Most of you know I just had my first baby. Something interesting about me, is that for the first 30 years of my life I swore I would never have children! Charlie is kind of a miracle child :)

What is your favorite exercise: Deadlift! It makes me feel strong

How about your least favorite: Lunge jumps or Pull-ups, largely because I probably need to improve on both of them. 

Describe your favorite workout: It's a tossup here… I absolutely love Friday workouts; 20 intense minutes and I always feel awesome when I get done. But I really love a good Sparty Party!

What is favorite healthy meal: Eggs! Two years ago I exchanged egg white omelets for egg yellow omelets, and I haven't looked back since. Top that off with a good steak or some BACON and I'm in foodie heaven. And of course don't forget a side or two of veggies. :)

And favorite “cheat” meal: Ice cream!

What are your goals you are shooting for: To get my pre-pregnancy strength back, and then some!

What keeps you coming back to Eupraxia: Well, it helps that I work here, but I absolutely love feeling strong. I also really love being surrounded by such awesome people.  I practically ran back after I got the post-baby medical okay to work out again!

How has Eupraxia helped you the most: 
Eupraxia has basically given me a whole new life. It changed my career, it changed my outlook on health, and especially changed my outlook on nutrition. I don't even want to know where I would have been without it!

Any advice for newbies:
The lifestyle change is worth it! The energy and the amazing way you feel.  It is all worth more than anything when you don't want to get off of the couch and any donut you could ever eat. 
You have the power to take control of your own health!
During your first week, always go to kickboxing! I swear it makes you feel better.
Don't ever hesitate to ask questions! Stay after class and talk to your trainers, keep learning...Knowledge is power!
Do something every day to remind yourself why you are making healthy choices. 

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