Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I've Given Up On Hoping The Day WIll Come That I Like To Work Out...

"I've given up on hoping the day will come that I like to work out. I hate working out. I wish liked working out…" Have you said any of these to yourself? Do you wish you loved to work out, like some people? You are not alone!

The truth is there are very few people who “love” the actual work out. Who really likes the burning pain during the workout or the soreness for days after? If you are one of the very few who love that pain, you are extremely rare!
The secret to people who work out every day? They know how much working out helps them to do what they truly love. It is not that they like the pain of working out, they love the pleasure after the workout, of what training does for them. The pain of working out is worth having more energy to play with their kids or grandkids for many years to come. The pain of working out is worth all the compliments they get on how good they look. The pain of working out is worth the confidence it gives them. They have seen a friend for family member get sick or die from a choice of poor diet and lack of exercise and vow to avoid going down the same path.
The secret of those who train is the pleasure they get from knowing they can better do what they love; something that is much greater than the pain they get in a 30 minute workout.
It is not that you have to love working out; it's that you have to love the increased quality of life from training more than you hate the workout. You have to love the fact that the 30 min of pain you went through is worth the ability to better do what you love. Once you see more pleasure in what working out brings to your life, relative to the pain of the actual workout, you will find yourself training on a regular basis.  
Find what you truly love and write it down. Write down what is most important to you. Then write down 100 ways that eating the right way and exercising (the Eupraxia lifestyle) can help you be better at doing what you love. Do not stop until you get 100. The more answers you have the more likely you will succeed. Once this belief is in your subconscious you will find that the guilt of missing a workout far outweighs any other emotion.  You are much too important to not get the most out of this gift of life you’ve been given!
P.S. If you cannot find what is truly most important to you, what you love the most, I can help with that too. More to come...
~Dr. Czys

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