Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Stories from Past Trainers-Jordan, Kristine, Stacie

From Jordan: 

I am currently a student at UW-L going into fitness. This was a very easy choice for me. I have been an active person since high school, where I started running. This helped me gain my passion for a healthy lifestyle. Due to injuries, my path of running was ended immediately following high school. I knew then I needed to find something else to keep me active and motivated. I tried about every style of strength training under the sun. It was not until I started at Eupraxia in march as an intern that I found something that actually works and is enjoyable. I have never felt healthier or happier since starting this new lifestyle. I look forward to helping you achieve the same. 

From Stacie:

Hi! My name is Stacie Phillips. I am a student at UW-L majoring in Interpersonal Communication and minoring in Psychology. I sort of fell into instructing fitness and wellness on accident, part-way through my college career, and have loved just about every aspect of it since. I am certified to instruct yoga, Pilates, indoor cycle and Zumba. I'm currently working on a general Group Fitness Certification through the American Council on Exercise and my 200 hour Registered Yoga Teacher certification through YogaFit.
What I aspire to be is unclear at the moment. I would love to be a yoga therapist and own my own studio with a little tea or coffee shop. I can also see myself going back to school for Early Childhood Education. However, I am sure that whatever I do, I will always instruct fitness in some capacity.
Outside of fitness I love to play lacrosse (the sport), scrapbook, sew and read (when I can focus on it... I have Adult ADD). I have an addiction to magazines about fitness and my other hobbies, and purchasing exercise DVDs. For some reason, I love clerical busy work, like filing and organizing. I am the middle daughter of three girls. I love dogs AND cats and can't wait until I have a regular income high enough to maintain a pet (I'm friends on Facebook with the Coulee Region Humane Society... so I'm prepared). I love shoes, flattering jackets (like pea coats) and just KNOW that one day I will be a "bag lady." My favorite font is Georgia.
My passion is helping people. So if there is anything I can do for you to make your Eupraxia experience better, don't hesitate to call on me!

From Kristine:

My interest include volleyball, hunting, fishing, camping, hiking and pretty much anything that deals with the outdoors. I also have a passion for fitness and workout everyday, it's a part of my life. I grew up in the small town of Spring Valley, WI. Its about two hours north of La Crosse. I was a three sport athlete in high school. I participated in basketball, volleyball and ran track. I also have ran in Grandmas marathon in Duluth and done a Tough Mudder. I am currently  a senior at UW-L, majoring in Exercise Sports Science with a minor in Nutrition. I started interning at Eupraxia and it really opened my eyes. I have changed a lot and am happy with the transformation.
Since changing my diet, [to what Eupraxia teaches] I have felt way more energized and awake. I used to wake up for work at 5 a.m. and just be dead tired; Now I wake up ready for the day. I don't take naps anymore, and when I workout I feel like I'm being more productive and actually seeing results. I've always worked out, that hasn't changed. I have only changed my diet, and I've noticed a difference in how I feel and look. I've been able to concentrate better on school, been in a better mood and been less stressed. Even my parents have noticed this change. They can tell I'm happier than I was before I made these changes. My mom even wants to try it now.
I have also not gotten sick. This is a big one for me, because last year I was sick pretty much the entire semester. Now, this year that hasn't happened. I honestly thought I was eating a solid, healthy diet before. I ate things like yogurt and whole wheat bread, but now I realize that those are foods that really weren't helping me. I also thought it would be hard to change my diet, but once I noticed the positive effect it had on me, I wanted to keep doing it. I never thought just by switching my diet a little bit, that it would have had this much of an impact on how I feel. It's definitely something I plan to do for the rest of my life.

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