Thursday, February 20, 2014

Member Spotlight: Karen Olson

Name: Karen Olson

Hometown: Menomonee Falls, WI

Occupation: Civil Engineer

What is your favorite exercise: 
Any kind of squat exercise.  I even enjoy Bring Sally Up.

How about your least favorite:  Of course, burpees…

Describe your favorite workout:  
I love doing partner workouts with my husband Joe.  He pushes me and makes me laugh while I am working hard.

What is favorite healthy meal: Fish Boil with freshly caught northern pike, carrots, rutabaga, and onions

And favorite “cheat” meal: Bruschetta on a toasted baguette and adding little red potatoes to the fish boil.

What keeps you coming back to Eupraxia: The trainers and my friends at the gym.  Eupraxia is very welcoming and friendly.  I am fairly introverted and would never have believed I would look forward to working out in a group setting, with Lindsay occasionally calling me out for not working hard enough, love you Lindsay.  I can honestly say I love the workouts and the people! 

What are your goals you are shooting for:  My goal is to maintain a healthy diet and exercise program for the rest of my life.  Eupraxia has changed how I think about food and how I think about my body and what it is capable of doing.  I no longer have to ask my kids to lift heavy things; I am as strong and healthy as I was in my 20’s.

Any advice for newbies:  The first couple weeks are hard, but push through the pain, and there will be a lot of pain.  The results are amazing.

What is your favorite hobby:  Being on the river, on a pontoon, flat bottom, kayak, dock, or the ice with family and friends. 

Tell us an interesting fact about you: My husband and I and our 3 younger kids live on the same city block, on the river, in La Crosse, as my parents, Joe’s parents, and our oldest son Evan and his girlfriend.

How has Eupraxia helped you the most:  It has given me confidence in both my mind and body.

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