Monday, February 17, 2014

Meet Your Trainers: Brady Warner

Hi everyone, 

If you haven’t had the joy of being in one of my classes yet, my name is Brady Warner.  I am one of your trainers here at Eupraxia and never thought I would have such a role.  I’m originally from Grand Rapids, MN, and despite living in this state filled with Cheeseheads, I still love the Vikings!  I have always been pretty active and enjoyed physical activities and sports, but never anything as intense as what Eupraxia offers.  My workouts generally consisted of going to the Y, doing my own thing for an hour, and feeling okay when I’d leave.  My wife, Katie, who many of you know, finally talked me into trying it here after about nine months of her working out here and loving it.  I had my doubts and wasn't overly excited about exercising in a group setting. I was skeptical whether I would get anything out of it, but I WAS WRONG!  I happened to try Eupraxia on a Tuesday, which many of you know is frequently an "upper body" day consisting of a lot of pull-ups and push-ups.  I seriously thought I had injured my arm after that initial workout and kept asking Dr. Steve about it for a week afterwards.  The fact was that I simply had not worked those muscles that hard in my entire life!  I was sold on Eupraxia after one 35 minute workout, and continue to enjoy that fact that most sessions here are about the same length of time and go quickly - you come in and get an awesome, effective workout in far less than hour.

I look forward to seeing you all in the mornings at the Onalaska location!

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