Thursday, March 6, 2014

Meet Your Trainers: Erica

Hey all! My name is Erica Boland.  My husband, Kyle, and I have three boys ages 6 ,3, and 1. As you can imagine, there is never a dull moment at our house. Exercise is a very important part of our life and we hope to instill that in our boys as well. I started Eupraxia last July when I moved back to the area after finishing Chiropractic college in Iowa. I was usually running 5-6 days a week but needed something more.  I had heard of Eupraxia and read and saw others' great results and decided to give it a try.  I ended up loving it after the first week and have ever since. A couple of months later I started teaching classes and I know not only get the benefit of the great workouts but I am able to see first hand the life changing results others have! It may sound cliche but the group truly is a second family; from fitness to nutrition to parenting questions, it is one big support group. If you haven't yet, I hope you will give Eupraxia a try (be careful, it's addicting)! I look forward to meeting and working with all of you!

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