Sunday, March 16, 2014

Member Spotlight: Kim McCormick

Hometown:  Hillsboro, WI
Occupation:  Software Sales

What is your favorite hobby:  I enjoy time with my husband and two boys (ages 2 & 4).  We spend a lot of time outside together, so it is great to be able to keep up with the kids.  I enjoy running with friends, volleyball and road biking.  It could be said I am a collector of paint swatches and an HGTV fanatic.

Tell us an interesting fact about you:  My hands and head doesn’t sweat although I have hyperhidrosis and I once weighed 199 pounds.

What is your favorite exercise: I enjoy the variety each session, so it is hard to pick.  I love leg days and stations.

How about your least favorite:  I have a love/hate relationship with Thrusters.  During the move, I dislike them greatly.  But the muscles groups the move targets…it’s worth it.  And Swings (especially with 2 KBs) are usually on the ‘Dislike’ list.

Describe your favorite workout:  My favorite workouts are the Saturday challenges.  Sparty Party is nice on an occasional Thursday.

What is favorite healthy meal:  I eat a lot of eggs.  They are easy and you can add a variety of things to them to change it up. 

And favorite “cheat” meal:  Pizza and chocolate cookie dough. 

What are your goals you are shooting for:  Continued stress and anxiety relief, staying fit and active.

What keeps you coming back to Eupraxia: There are a lot of factors that keep me coming back (i.e. the people, the variety of workouts, the challenge, the feeling post-workout, the results, the confidence I've gained in my body). 
Before Eupraxia, I was training for marathons and spending many hours training.  I no longer had the time to invest in that type of schedule.  I’ve always loved weight training but couldn’t get into a routine on my own.  This place has been fantastic in helping me shift my focus, balance my schedule and feel great.  I can fit in a work out that I feel kicked my ass and they have given me the tools to look and feel better than I ever have.

How has Eupraxia helped you the most:  Eupraxia has given me a community of great people with like goals and lifestyles.

Any advice for newbies:
-       You get what you give.
-       No one is watching you – we are all trying to breath to get to ‘zero’ on the clock.  :)
-       Make the commitment to yourself –we are all here to support you towards your goals.
-       Everyone has a story, something to overcome –what do you want your story to be?

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