Thursday, April 3, 2014

Member Spotlight: Dean Bodensteiner

Hometown: St. Lucas, IA

Occupation: Project Manager/Estimator

What is your favorite hobby: Working out.

Tell us an interesting fact about you: I like to read (books, not magazines) often.

What is your favorite exercise: Box Jumps

How about your least favorite: Burpee Pullups

Describe your favorite workout: Upper Stations

What is favorite healthy meal: Buffalo Chili

And favorite “cheat” meal: Pizza

What are your goals you are shooting for:
I would like to be able to do 15 pullups in a row, 100 pushups in a row, and 100 burpees in 7 minutes (not all three in the same day though ).

What keeps you coming back to Eupraxia:
I know that when I go to Eupraxia, no matter what the workout, I know that I will push myself and my body to the point of exhaustion by the time my workout is over. It is impossible to have an “easy” workout at Eupraxia. So you never feel like you went there and wasted your time.

How has Eupraxia helped you the most:
For me Eupraxia has been even better for my mental health then my physical health. It is my best stress reliever by far! When I leave an Eupraxia workout I am exhausted, but I feel great! It clears my mind and definitely puts me in a better mood. I can tell when I have missed a few workouts because I start to get cranky.

Any advice for newbies:
The workout is going to seem really hard at first, and it is, but you just need to keep coming back. It does get better and you WILL see results!

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