Thursday, April 17, 2014

Member Spotlight - Megan Miller

Member Spotlight

Name: Megan Miller

Hometown: La Crosse, (French Island)

Occupation: Daycare owner

What is your favorite hobby: Shopping!!!!!

Tell us an interesting fact about you: I'm VERY scared of spiders! If there is one in the room I will not go back into that room until it is gone!

What is your favorite exercise: The backhands in kickboxing

How about your least favorite: Thrusters

Describe your favorite workout: Kickboxing, I love how it lets off so much steam and I feel so great after!

What is favorite healthy meal: egg dishes

And favorite “cheat” meal: Pasta and bread

What are your goals you are shooting for: I want to fit back into the clothes I wore before I had children.

What keeps you coming back to Eupraxia: The results, the great help from the trainers, and the people who I work out with.

How has Eupraxia helped you the most: I've always gotten bored with workouts and this keeps me motivated to keep coming back.

Any advice for newbies: Keep going, you may not see results right away but you will!

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