Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Member Spotlight: Brittany Amundson

Name: Brittany Amundson
Hometown: Hillsboro, WI
Occupation: Stylist
What is your favorite exercise: Squats
How about your least favorite: Burpees
Describe your favorite workout: Any Friday workout (they are short and sweet)
What is favorite healthy meal: Steak and sauteed veggies
And favorite “cheat” meal: Buffalo wings
What keeps you coming back to Eupraxia: Feeling like it's a family and not just a gym
What are your goals you are shooting for: Feeling great in my own skin
Any advice for newbies: The workouts and nutrition plan seem hard, but if you stick to it, you will see results
What is your favorite hobby: Anything with animals
Tel us an interesting fact about you: I had previously lost 30lbs before joining Eupraxia, and I needed more motivation, which is why I will keep coming back
How has Eupraxia helped you the most: 1) motivation 2) healthier lifestyle

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